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Send transaction to Bcode service that need to be executed in async mode. API return a requestId

needed to refetch transaction status later.

txArray of interested contract addresses
optionalsObject with webhookUrl, secret and metadata


type MetaTransaction = {
  contractAddress: string;
  userAddress: string;
  functionSignature: string;
  r: string;
  s: string;
  v: any;

type Optionals = {
  webhookUrl: string | null;
  metadata: { [key: string]: any } | null;
  secret: string | null;

Request meta transaction notarization, return notarization receipt.

txTransaction object returned by prepareTransaction function
optionalsObject with webhookUrl, secret and metadata


type Optionals = {
  webhookUrl: string | null;
  metadata: { [key: string]: any } | null;
  secret: string | null;

async executeAsyncTransaction(tx: MetaTransaction, optionals?: Optionals)